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Our Current Projects

Food, Toys & Cages

We do visit various homes of parrots where we assist with basic care such as cleaning of cages, grooming and educating the families regarding proper feeding and diets for their parrots.

Most of these parrots are all still being fed sunflower seeds and peanuts as their main food source and we take along some fresh chop and fruits to introduce them to a healthier diet. In most cases their cages are old, rusty and worn down and in desperate need of replacement.

Cages that are donated to our organization is refurbished and then donated to these parrots along with toys that we make ourselves. With a little patience and persistence most of these parrots circumstances are changed for the better within a few weeks, but none of this would be possible without donations from you the public..

We plead with you to assist by donating any cages, toys or accessories that you no longer need. We will collect it ourselves or you can visit us and deliver it in person. Every little bit helps and no donation is to small. 

Food Sponsors

​We are currently launching a project where we aim to assist members in need by helping to collect parrot food parcels that we then donate to people in need. The project works as follows; Members who are able to do so buy an extra packet of food (pellets) when they buy food for their own parrot and then contact us with their details. We will then give you the address and details of someone who needs it close to you that you can go and deliver yourself or we can collect it from you and deliver it if you wish to stay anonymous

Banking Details
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